Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Studying in America

What are the advantages of studying in America?

These days, almost everyone study English. It has become a global language. It is especially important for internal businesses. However, studying English is difficult. Where is the best place to study English? I completely recommend studying in America because it has the most advantages. There are three advantages such as correct English, opportunities, and culture.
The most important advantage above all is correct English. In America, teachers, tools, and media are better. First, the teachers are more professional than those in Taiwan. Moreover, English is their first language, so their grammar and pronunciation are better than the teachers in Taiwan. Most of the teachers in America have a certificate. For example, if I make a grammar or pronunciation mistake, they will give me correct feedback quickly. Second, studying tools here are good for studying English. Therefore, they use English textbooks to teach us and limit us to use only the English dictionary in class. Third, there is media such as movies, TV, and radio in English. Sometimes I like to go to watch movies, so I can study English in movies. While watching TV you can set the subtitles to English to memorize vocabulary. Listening to the radio can not only help you adapt to native English, but also you can hear correct pronunciation.
The second advantage is equally important as the first one, while in America, students have the many opportunities to use English. In America, you have a lot of opportunities to use English such as to take trips, to make friends, and to take tests. First of all, taking trips give us many opportunities to use English. For example, in the restaurant we must use English to order food. Furthermore, checking into the hotel also requires English. In addition, we can make America friends easier. Moreover, in school we have conversation class to meet academy students. Therefore, if we make American friends, we can practice English conversation with those friends. Finally, we have chances to use English for tests. Besides, all of tests are in English such as those for driver’s licenses, certificates, and Toefl exam. Above all, in America we have advantage to take paper Toefl, but in my country we just can take iBT Toefl.
The third important advantage is that we can study English by studying American culture. To begin with, during the holidays we can join their activities to understand American culture and learn English. In America, there are traditional holidays such as Christmas, Thanksgiving, and Halloweens. During these days, we can join their parties and learn new vocabulary. Second, we study American culture to prepare for jobs. Therefore, understanding their culture makes it easies to get a job because you know what companies are looking for. For instance, if you know their culture, you will pass the interview easier because you know what kind of employee they are looking for. Third, learning American culture is fun that it helps me enjoy learning English. I am interested in America culture, so I study English in America.
In conclusion, I really think studying in America has the most advantages. The most important ones among those advantages are studying correct English, taking opportunities, and learning culture. If you want to get a job in international business, you need to study global language in America. Don’t you want to study America, too?

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Journal entry #13

We are going to watch a My Big Fat Greek Wedding on Thursday. After we watch the movie, write a summary describing the main idea and some of the important details.
A family which is in the United states, and opens a Greek restaurant. Their daughter working in the restaurant is 30 years old, and she is not marry, so her parents worry about her. In one day the girl in the restaurant meets an American boy who she likes, and she falls in love with him, but her father wante she married a Greek boy, made Greek babies, and fed everyone with thier traditional culture. The boy like her very much, so he go to Greek church became a Greek that their wedding will be allowed. The Greek family is big and traditional, so the wedding is very crazy and funny. finally, this is a happy end, and shows the American culture is more flexible than other counrty culture.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Journal entry #12

Today we talked about the three kinds of love (agape, phileo, eros). Write a paragraph explaining how these three kinds of love are different. What kind of relationship has which kind of love?
There are three kinds of love from Greek’s word presented as follows eros, philia, and agape. First, eros is the close love to the lover. Moreover, the love is limited that a person who you like. For example, the love is between husband and wife. Second, philia is the common love to the friends. Therefore, the love is occurred such as in the family, the friends, and the bosses, also in the lover. For instance, my father is like my friend. Third, agape is the excellent love to everyone. The most explanation is that God loves equally livers, even though he is an enemy. Furthermore, the doctor save the patient including the enemy. In conclusion, three kinds of love are total different in level.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Journal Entry 11

What dreams do you have? These may be funny or silly. They may be serious or even impossible. Make a list of 10 things you would like to accomplish (see, do, eat, climb, run, have, etc.) before you die.

My 10 lists:
1. get a MBA
2.see the north aurrora
3.pass the TOEFL exam
4.visit seven wonders of the world a house
6.get marry
7.mark a commpany a boat
9. play the piano
10.trip the antarctic

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Global Warming

I think global warming is a serious threat to our enviroment for several reasons. First, the weather is hot and hot, so the precipitation is less and less.
Second, the antarctic ice melt into the sea, so the sea level get high that we will have not enought place to live. Third, the bacteria take advantage hot to survive that affect and threat us existence.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

A wonderful beach, Corona Del Mar

Corona Del Mar is a wonderful beach for many reasons. Firstly, it is a good place for picnicking. Therefore, there has barbeque places where is in the beach that you can make fire easier. For example, you can bring hot dogs, fresh fruit and some drinks with friends, enjoining the warm sun, the cool sea wind, and the beautiful view. Secondly, it is a nice beach that you can go swimming, surfing and fishing. Moreover, there water is cool, clear and safe, so it is easier to swim and surf comfortably. In other case, there also has a bank for fishing, so I see a lot of people sat on bank to fishing. Thirdly, it is the best place to relieve your pressure. Other hands, I like lie on the sand and look the blue sky to loose mood. For instance, in the evening you can see colorful sun sat because it maybe back remember your nice times. All in all, I am serious to recommend Corona Del Mar Beach that it is a wonderful beach where you must visit.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

My Hero

My father is my hero. I look up to him for several reasons. First, he is kind. Therefore, he loves my mother. He takes care of the family. For example, he makes money for raising us. Second, he is very wise. He always gives me advice. He taught me “If it is right, to do it”. For instance, he quit smoking cold turkey because smoking is not healthy for body. Third, he is public-minded. Moreover, he is always helping people. For example, he has a volunteer job which is a fire fighter. He patrols the community for every week per once. In conclusion, I have a hero, my father because he is kind, wise, and public-minded.